Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Shimano Butterfly Jigging System

Shimano Butterfly Jigging System - Action, Reaction


In the early 1990's Japanese anglers developed a revolutionary style of deep water jigging that changed jigging as we know it. These anglers were fishing depths as deep as 500 feet using the first generation of super lines coupled with fluorocarbon shock leaders and the original jig designs. Shimano saw the significance of these jigs, and created a new lure design called the Butterfly Jig. This lure, combined with the line and tackle, helped increase sensitivity to detect bites, and get successful hooksets, with the end result being an increase in their fish catching percentage. The Butterfly Jig catches more species of fish in more locations while giving you a new, exciting way to fish! - http://fish.shimano.com

Since I'm taking steps to 'refurbish' my jig boxes and bags, decided not to limit myself to just IMAs and Evergreens. Introducing Shimano's Butterfly Jigging System; not something new in the market, just something new to me. :-p A well deserved clapper for Shimano I must say, is the extensive information/guide you can get on the Butterfly Jigs on their website. Although very much a marketing tool, the abundance of PDFs & videos does provide some very useful and clear guidance. So do check it out - Fishing the Butterfly. A very interesting selling point of the Butterfly Jig is 'Action, Reaction'. According to Shimano, the jigs have very sharp flutters on their way down, and very sharp erratic actions on their way up which generates Reaction Bites (not hunger bites), hence 'Action, Reaction'. Of course that can only be achieved with the right presentation. And in Shimano's case, with the right complete package of Butterfly Rods, Butterfly Reels & Butterfly Jigs.

Whatever it is, there's no harm having a few of them in the jig bag.

Butterfly Regular 55g. Shape - Symmetrical. Rod/Reel Action - Short lift, one turn. Jig Action - Walk-the-dog.
Butterfly Long 200g. Shape - Asymmetrical. Rod/Reel Action - Long lift, few turn. Jig Action - Side to side.
Butterfly Regular 270g. Shape - Symmetrical. Rod/Reel Action - Short lift, one turn. Jig Action - Walk-the-dog.

Butterfly Regular 55g.

Similar design as EverGreen Caprice & Caprice Kid. Only difference is this is symmetrical and Caprices are not.

Butterfly Long 200g.

Assymetrical design.

Butterfly Regular 270g.

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